Thursday, June 17, 2010

Ravings of the crazy...

Eleanor Roosevelt famously said, "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." I think those are very true words.

Having said that, I have allowed my own consent in the inferiority war I wage with myself.

Ever know someone who is smarter, kinder, more Godly, more attractive, happier, more put together, etc. than yourself? If not, you need to get out more!

I am struggling at the moment with someone like that. Whose fault is that? MINE! I know it is my fault but I am still choosing to wallow in it. Then comes those questions from out of the back of my head. Why does so and so "shine" and I don't? Why are they all the things I wish I could be? Well, those questions can lead to building a better "me" or lead to a big hole called depression. I am not in the hole but I am looking down into it a bit. The smart person stays as far from that hole as possible and uses times when they feel inferior to look for ways that they themselves can become a better person. However...sometimes you just want to feel sorry for yourself and look in the hole.

Why am I telling you guys this? I don't know? It is a bit therapeutic to write things down for me and a heck of a lot cheaper than traditional therapy...or so I'm told.

Thanks for reading the ravings of the crazy. Until next time...


jeff said...

That will be $75.
Same time next week?

BB said...

You are paying me $75 for writing this?! Awesome! OK...I'll write something similar at the same time next week!