Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Remember This One?

Tonight I was walking in Home Depot (yes, I know my life is gloriously exciting) and I heard a song playing. Mind you, it was hard to hear it playing over the fighting being done by my three boys, but I heard it nonetheless. It was like a nice little piece of the past had stopped by to visit. I love this song...always have. What is it about? Well, it is about the end of innocence. Actually, that is the title...The End of The Innocence.

I don't know that Don Henley has ever said what the song is exactly about, but most folks say it is about the Reagan era and the loss of small town America or the American farm. Some claim it is the loss of a different kind or kinds of innocence. I think it is probably all of the above and then some. It is a great song and I thought I would share. I bet you find yourself singing along...I did.


Who knows, maybe next time I will throw a little Bruce Hornsby your direction...

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