Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Goodbye 2014...You Are No Longer Welcome I haven't written on this blog since 2012.  That seems bad in the world of blogging.  Some might even consider it lazy.  How about we dust off this old thing and see if I still know how to type?!  Shall we...

Well, 2014 kinda sucked.  It had some good moments but it had a lot of bad ones too.  I am one of those glass all the way empty and has dust in it kind of people so I tend to focus on the bad.  I would say I will be better in 2015 but I have a bad feeling I won't be so nobody get their hopes up.  OK?  OK!

As 2014 winds its way to a close I am tired.  Not just the "I want to go to bed" tired but tired of how my life is going.  It has been a bit of a mess the last couple of years.  Not to go into great detail, but it has been a series of unfortunate events.  (See!  I am really trying to tie this train wreck back to movies and/or books!)

I want 2015 to be better.  I think about it A LOT!  But, what does better mean anyway?  Making more money?  A new relationship?  Helping others more?  Going on a great vacation?  Updating this blog more than every two and a half years?!  Yes to all those and many, many more.

So, here is to being a better "me" in the New Year.  Letting go of past hurts.  Trying to see the glass at least half empty instead of bone dry.  Being happier than I have been in a long time.

And what about all those movies in 2015?!  Avengers; Age of Ultron!  Star Wars: The Force Awakens!  50 Shades of Gray!  Kidding about that last one!  (So not kidding.)

See you at the movies...