Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Worth Another Watch...Or Two...Or Three

Well, I have neglected this poor blog long enough!  Since I last posted that bit of self pity, I have turned *cough* years old, been to New York and have worked...and worked...and worked!  Work and more work is on the horizon so I thought I would pop on here to toss up a YouTube video or two.  Yes, that counts as a real post! 

SPOILER - If you watch The Vampire Diaries and have not seen the last episode, DO NOT WATCH the video below.  You've been warned.  Oh...and don't read anything else in this post either. 

Whether you love The Vampire Diaries or not, this is a great scene.  Long time in coming for the female lead, Elena, to finally admit (and act on) her feelings for the male lead, Damon.  I think she delivers the message clearly!  Of course, we still have Damon's brother, Stefan, to deal with in this love triangle.  Which will she choose?!  I would go with Damon if I had to choose just one.  Otherwise, I'd take 'em both!  Judge me now! :)

Anyway, here is the scene that I had been waiting years to see.  Be aware it fades to black and comes back.  It was the commercial break.

FINALLY!  Elena makes a move on the hot brother!  So what that she already had a thing with the other hot brother! All is fair in love, war and vampire TV shows!

I would like to break down a few of my favorite parts.  Damon with his shirt open is way hotter than Damon without a shirt.  Go figure!  He also rocks the color black!  Elena, as always, sleeps in full make-up, earrings and clothes.  OK.  I can get over that part.  I love the flickering light when they kiss.  I think that was symbolism for "will their passion, once tested, flicker and fade to black."  Is that why that light was flickering?  Probably not but I would like to think so.  Damon putting her against the wall.  Wow and oh yeah!  Finally, why has this show, which has killed off tons of main characters, not killed off the annoying Jeremy yet?! 

Also, since this blog CLAIMS to be about movies, I thought I would throw a movie at you!  DISCLAIMER - I am usually totally against movies based on Nicholas Sparks' novels.  OK, except for The Notebook which I loved.  BUT...all the rest are usually on my "don't see" list.  However, I broke my rule about Sparks' movies and went out with a fabulous (you know who you are) group of women to see The Lucky One.  I am going to be really honest.  I was going to see Zac Efron.  Yes, that kid from High School Musical fame.  I have no excuse or defense.  He's a 25 year old guy that I find hot.  Again, let the judgement rain down! 

Well, Zac has grown up a bit and he did not disappoint.  The movie was only so-so but Efron was worth the price of admission.  Yes, I am starting to judge myself now. 

It's not a great movie but it has it's outdoor shower comes to mind.  Here is the trailer...

Efron's character, Logan, had me at "You should be kissed everyday, every hour, every minute"...well...he probably had me with those blue eyes before that but that quote was awesome!  As with Sparks' movies, somebody is going to die.  It's his formula.  Not ashamed to admit I cried.  Not because of who died, I was totally OK with that part.  I cried because art doesn't imitate life and guys aren't like Logan.  Darn you Nicholas Sparks for making me cry in one of your movies again!

Until next time...