Monday, August 22, 2011

What If Death Looked Like Brad Pitt?

Remember the movie Meet Joe Black? No?! Well, here is the short version. A rich man, Anthony Hopkins, is about to die and Death comes for him. Death comes in the form of Brad Pitt who identifies himself to Hopkins character and says he wants to live and learn a little bit about life. Since Death can apparently take any form, he takes the form of a man who met Hopkin's daughter just before he was accidentally killed (she doesn't see him killed). She was already taken with Pitt...what woman isn't! Anyway, Death stays a bit and takes the name Joe Black. He is enchanted by the little things like peanut butter! I mean, come on, he has been sucking the life out of everyone without getting to enjoy the little things of life so this is all a big deal. Pitt plays him beautifully as he discovers all of the joys and pains that make up life.

Death falls for Hopkin's beautiful daughter and she falls for him. Of course, she doesn't know he is Death come to claim her father. She and Death have some intimate moments. That is a bit creepy. Right?! I would be freaked out to discover I had made love to Death! Being that he looks like Brad Pitt would go a long way in helping me get over that part! :)

Anyway, all is well that ends well even though Hopkins really does get taken by Death. As an act of love, death sends back the man that was accidentally killed so that Hopkin's daughter can have the man of her dreams...even if that man isn't exactly who she thought he was!

So, it is sort of a love story wrapped around Death. Honestly, what love story isn't! :)  Here's the trailer...

This isn't my favorite Pitt movie. I would have to go with Mr. and Mrs. Smith or The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. As Mr. Smith, he is just fun and sexy. Guns...shooting the house to bits, steamy sex...yep, I'd take that! (So did Angelina Jolie...just saying.)  If you haven't seen it, check out the trailer...

As Benjamin Button, he is aging in reverse and has a life long love affair with one woman, Daisy. It is a strange love affair but lovely at the same time. When Benjamin and Daisy are finally the same age, they act on the relationship that has built over time. It is a great scene where Daisy says something like "sleep with me" and Benjamin simply replies "absolutely". I don't know why that is so sexy but it sure is!  Didn't see it?  Here's the trailer...

Brad Pitt knows how to bring the sexy when needed in a movie. Wait...he is also really good in A River Runs Through It! is the trailer...

It also has one of my favorite lines in a movie. I'll end this rambling post with it...

"Eventually, all things merge into one, and a river runs through it. The river was cut by the world's great flood and runs over rocks from the basement of time. On some of those rocks are timeless raindrops. Under the rocks are the words, and some of the words are theirs. I am haunted by waters."
~ Final lines in A River Runs Through It