Tuesday, February 8, 2011

15 Lousy Posts...

Yep...just 15 posts in ALL of 2010! I most certainly have let this blog go downhill. Oh well. I would tell you guys about 2010 but I am trying to put it behind me and move on. Not a good year...not a good year at all!

So, here we are in the second month of 2011. Valentine's Day is right around the corner. It's really not a great holiday but us shameless marketing types have done a great job of making people think they need to buy $80 roses! So, I guess that is a win for the shameless marketers...and Hallmark...but they make up holidays right and left. I am sure February 15 is "Grandparent Pet Day" or something equally dumb. BUT...they rake in the money because people think that to say they care, they need to send a card. In the movie "500 Days of Summer", the main character (not Summer) works for a greeting card company. While he is in love with Summer, he can write all kinds of good stuff. When he and Summer aren't together, they end up putting him on sympathy cards because he is such a "Debbie Downer"! All that aside, he has some great lines about greeting cards that I totally second. Here they are..."This is lies. We are liars. Think about it. Why do people buy cards? It's not because they want to say how they feel. People buy cards because they can't say how they feel or are afraid to. And we provide the service that let's them off the hook. You know what? I say to he*& with it. Let's level with America. Or at least let them speak for themselves. Right?" RIGHT! So, don't any of you expect a card from me! Take that Hallmark!

Speaking of "500 Days of Summer", it is actually a really good movie. It is clever and that is a hard thing to find in the movies today. The story is told in this all over the place manner as we learn about different parts of the main character's relationship with a girl named Summer. This is how it starts...and it's narrated which is cool..."This is a story of boy meets girl. The boy, Tom Hansen of Margate, New Jersey, grew up believing that he'd never truly be happy until the day he met the one. This belief stemmed from early exposure to sad British pop music and a total mis-reading of the movie 'The Graduate'. The girl, Summer Finn of Shinnecock, Michigan, did not share this belief. Since the disintegration of her parent's marriage she'd only love two things. The first was her long dark hair. The second was how easily she could cut it off and not feel a thing. Tom meets Summer on January 8th. He knows almost immediately she is who he has been searching for. This is a story of boy meets girl, but you should know upfront, this is not a love story."

OK...not a love story. It seems like one at times but it really isn't. Well, not really. I would suggest it. It has a couple of good performances by Joseph Gordon-Levitt (Remember him from "Third Rock From the Sun"?) and Zooey Deschanel (She was the girl in Elf and also the sister to Emily who plays Bones on Bones!).

Also, I think the writer has a twisted sense of humor that I love. The title card reads..."Author's Note: The following is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Especially you Jenny Beckman. B#%ch." I probably shouldn't think that is funny but it is SO funny!

Anyway, what should you take away from this blog post? First, I ramble. Second, I don't care that I ramble. Third, Hallmark is most likely run by aliens send to invade Earth or perhaps, even worse, accountants. Fourth, 500 Days of Summer is worth a couple of hours of your time. Fifth, Valentine's Day is an overrated holiday where most people probably end up disappointed if they didn't get what those aliens with Hallmark or, worse, those people at Kay's told them on a commercial they should have gotten! (FYI - Kay's...totally ran by some terrorist organization bent on world domination! Oh...and Kay's is just the underlings to those folks at Jared's!) Sixth, there is a chance this will be my only blog post of 2011. Seventh, I am completely aware that some of you hope it will be my only blog post of 2011. And, finally, if you do decide to throw your hat in the Valentine's Day ring, go for spa gift cards and not roses.

Until next time...