Wednesday, August 25, 2010

P90X...Bring It! I haven't posted in a LONG time. That last one was also very wussy! I hate Wussy Beth. Anyway, one of the reasons that I haven't posted is because I have started the torture known as P90X. I am currently in the 3rd week.

What is P90X you ask? Well, it is an intense workout routine that uses muscle confusion to build muscle and get you in shape. Some days you work on Arms and Shoulders and then the next day is Core or Cardio. Some days you even get to add in the Ab Ripper X. It is 15 minutes of total torture which features over 340 ab exercises! Superman...Banana...SORRY...that was a bad flashback! The P is for "Power", the 90 is for the number of days you do the workout and the X is because it is the kicked up version of P90 which apparently wasn't bad enough!

Honestly, I can say that I am getting better every time I do a workout. I am now doing push ups that I couldn't do before. My arms are starting to show signs of a small "gun show" and my abs have more definition. I am also yelling less at the TV. (In the early days I liked to yell at the P90X guy, Tony, and tell him I wanted to stop. He NEVER listened!)

Is my goal to look like the people in the posters for this workout (see Tony and Dreya below)? No. I hope to have better looking arms, abs and legs at the end of the game. BUT...if someone wanted to look like those people (and they followed the diet, etc.), I bet they could. It is intense and whips you into shape!

Want more?! Well, they have that too. It is called Insanity. The name alone scares me so I am leaving that one to someone else!