Monday, April 12, 2010

Coming Soon

It's almost here. As some folks in this neck of the woods anxiously anticipate the swell of Rocky Top being played in Neyland Stadium on the first football Saturday of the year, I look forward to summer movie season! Yep, that time of year where the Oscar contenders are no where to be found and the over-the-top sequels, reboots and shoot 'em ups arrive in theaters!

What am I looking forward to seeing? Glad you asked. Here's my countdown.

7. The Expendables - I think this one has probably very little story line. Why would I put it on here? Well, there are several reasons...Stallone, Statham, Li, Lundgren, Austin, Rourke, Willis, Schwarzenegger and lots of guns and explosions! How could all these guys together be bad?! Sounds like a first-class summer popcorn flick to me! See what you think.

6. The Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time - The first trailer I saw for this one made me worry. The next one caught my attention. So, even though I am not sold on it, this one is going on the list. It stars Jake Gyllenhaal as a guy...the prince I assume...who finds a dagger that holds the sands of time. By activating this dagger's special powers, the holder can turn back time. Of course, the bad guys want said dagger to destroy the always happens that way! Anyway, it has promise because I do like Jake Gyllenhaal and he seems to have some nice banter with the girl cast as his love interest. Also, Jerry Bruckheimer usually knows what he is doing. FYI - That stupid G-Force movie will be forgiven if you make good with this one, Jerry! Here's a sample.

5. The A-Team - I LOVED this TV show so I hope the movie lives up to my childhood memories. I wonder about the casting of Liam Neeson as Hannibal but I love the casting of Bradley Cooper as "Faceman"! We shall see if they pull it off or not. Check out this trailer...just try to get past the part where they parachute out of a plane IN A TANK then start shooting in mid-air. Like I said, I hope they can pull it off.

4. Shrek Forever After - Most of you know something about this one. This is the fourth (and they claim final) chapter of the Shrek series. Looks like all our old friends are back to play in this installment of the odd little franchise that continues to make good. I think this one is a sure bet to rake in the bucks!

3. Eclipse - Yes, another chance to visit the world where Kristen Stewart can't act and Robert Pattinson has great hair. Back, once again, we go to Forks, Washington to visit with accident prone Bella and the love of her life/death, Edward. I predict more action in this one since the guy that directed 30 Days of Night got his hands on this installment. Victoria shall finally get dispatched and Bella and Edward come one step closer to their happily ever after her heart stops beating. If you have no idea about any of this, then this one is most certainly not for you! Check out the trailer anyway.

2. Toy Story 3 - Eleven years ago, Woody was stolen and Buzz and crew had to get him back from Al of Al's Toy Barn. Along the way, Jessie and Bullseye joined the gang. They made it back in time to welcome Andy home from cowboy camp! Yee Haw! Now, Andy is leaving for college and the toys are getting a new a day care center. YIKES! Yep, they are not so happy about this new arrangement so they plan on busting out of the joint! Pixar hasn't let me down yet so I expect this one...the third installment of the one that started the very lucrative Disney/Pixar venture...not to disappoint!

1. Iron Man 2 - Tony Stark is BACK! (Cue Black Sabbath) Robert Downey, Jr. returns in this sequel to the wildly popular (and I think best movie based on a comic book ever...but you probably shouldn't ask me on that one) Iron Man from summer 2008. We now have the backstory with how he came to be Iron Man, now let's see what Tony has up his sleeve for this one! I am certain it will be a wild ride! (This link is to the official site because the trailer loads much faster. You might have to launch the trailer.)

I can almost smell the popcorn! See you at the movies...