Saturday, January 30, 2010

I Have A Blog?

Apparently, I have a it is! I know, you would think if I have one I would write on it. Not so much lately.

After reading some of my entries, it seems I talk about movies...A LOT. So, I am going to again write about movies. I know you guys have just been waiting for me to return to the keyboard with brilliant insight! No? Really?! Hummm...

Inglorious Basterds - Saw this one by myself in the theater. Normally you can't say that a movie based on WWII is laugh out loud funny but this one is. It is also not at all historically accurate. Quentin Tarantino decided to just blow off the history books and film how he thought WWII should have went down instead. Kudos to the brilliant performance of Christopher Waltz. He is amazing and deserves an Oscar for Best Actor in a Supporting Role. He got the Golden Globe. I hope he can nab an Oscar too!

So, what is this movie with the misspelled title about? It is several stories, told in chapters, that all tie together in the end. The group that give the movie its title are part of the story in that they are a mostly Jewish-American team dropped into Nazi occupied France with the sole purpose of freaking out the Germans by doing things Lt. Aldo Raine's way. Aldo...or Aldo the played by Brad Pitt. He turns in a delightful performance as the head of the Basterds who just happens to be from Maynerdville, TN. His accent is pretty dead on...I am sorry to say! Anyway, the Basterds cause mayhem and Hitler is none to pleased. Another large portion of the film involves a Jew (Shoshana) who escapes from Waltz's character (the Jew Hunter) and sets herself up as a cinema operator in France.

The movie weaves in and around France following the exploits of the Basterds and Shoshana. It all ends with a bang when everyone finally gets together.

It is Tarantino's best work. The story works and the actors are excellent. It is long, and bloody at times, but a fantastic movie! I give it nothing less than an A!

Zombieland - Saw this one in the theater by myself too. Guess no one wants to see movies with me anymore! As you might guess from the title, this one has Zombies. It also has Woody Harrelson, Jesse Eisenburg, Emma Stone and Abigail Breslin. The four are survivors of the zombie plague. They join up, reluctantly, and travel across the country.

One of the funniest...and most of the movie is the way Eisenburg's character gives his rules for surviving Zombieland. The rules actually pop up on screen when they are needed. It is just hilarious! Oh...and there is a celebrity cameo that rocks! You got to see it...I'm not telling you who it is or what happens!

At the end of the day, Zombieland is full of gore, laughs and even a touch of romance. It is one of those "put your mind in neutral" movies. I loved it! Is it Oscar bound? Heck no! Is it fun? Heck yes!

Be sure to check it out when it is released next week.

Sherlock Holmes - Robert Downey, Jr. plays Holmes in this movie based on the detective created by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Downey brings his brash and comical vision to the character. Opposite him, in what can only be described as a bromance, is Jude Law playing Dr. Watson. Sherlock Holmes is a fun ride through England in the late 1800s. The movie is visually appealing and fast paced. In fact, the dialogue between Holmes and Watson is so rapid that I had a hard time keeping up at times. Of course, they needed a woman so this thing didn't take on some weird Brokeback Mountain vibe so enter Rachel McAdams. She has a past with Holmes and seems to be the only one ever to have gotten the better of him. She is a fireball and jumps right into the action with the guys.

The story was not exactly my cup of tea but the movie moved at a rapid pace and kept my attention. I certainly hope we have not seen the last of Downey in this role!

Well...that is about all I have seen on the big screen. I have been enjoying some stuff on TV. If you are not a fan of The Big Bang Theory, Castle, 24 or The Vampire Diaries, I suggest you give them a try. Oh...and that little show known as LOST will return in just a few days to answer all those nagging questions...or maybe not! Since this is the final season, I have high hopes for the show that I believe is the best to ever grace the small screen!