Monday, December 21, 2009

It Worked For Stephenie Meyer...

If you have heard anything about the Twilight Saga, you probably know that the author, Stephenie Meyer, says that the idea (a whole chapter really) came to her in a dream. She saw Edward and Bella and knew Edward was a vampire, Bella was a human and all the other stuff that makes up the Twilight world. When she woke up she remembered the dream so vividly that it was like it happened. So, she got up, turned on the computer and wrote down the dream. Voila! The Twilight Saga was born!

So, I had this dream last night. It was really vivid and I still remembered all of it when I woke up. Maybe, just maybe, this is the new Twilight Saga! Let me give you guys a little look into what I dream.

OK...unlike Ms. "I Dream of Twilight", I dreamed about myself and not other people. I am quite a character so I think I could work with a literary sense. Some other people I know popped in so they can become characters too! No problem! Also, I was much younger in this dream...probably in my 20s because I wasn't married at the beginning of the dream. OK...scene we go...

Apparently my best friend and I were mail order brides. Not sure how we ended up on this path but we both got "ordered" and that is where the dream starts.

Oddly enough, my best friend ended up with her current husband but he was very different. For one thing, the dream version was a redneck. I mean a four wheel driving, off road, mullet sporting, camo wearing redneck who was spitting tobacco juice everywhere. My best friend was so happy with this guy! She jumped right up in the four wheel drive truck thing he was driving and off they went into the sunset!

I was "ordered" by this guy who seemed nice enough. Then he took me "home". His house was a disaster! The whole place was dirty and the floors were covered in this really ugly indoor/outdoor carpet that was brick red! Even weirder was the fact that the same ugly carpet covered the kitchen counters! Now, my new "husband" was getting us ready to go on our honeymoon which was suppose to be a cruise. I never made it to the cruise part in the dream but I can only guess it was some type of pontoon boat that Cousin Eddie might have owned! The oddest thing of all was that I seemed as happy as my best friend had been when she drove off with Mr. Deliverance! conquered all...even rednecks and dirty houses!

There you go! I think I can just write this love story down and make a fortune! Watch out Ms. Meyer...I'm going to knock you off your sparkly vampire pedestal!