Friday, April 10, 2009

Latest Popcorn Report... I haven't written anything in a while. That isn't really true...I just haven't had a chance to write anything on this blog. Since discovering the world of Twitter and Facebook, I have been learning more about those things as my civic duty...I plan on being Secretary of Social Media soon. have my number (if not, get it from the FBI).

Anyway, here is the latest and greatest from the popcorn report. I know, you guys have probably seen these on DVD already but here goes nothing...

BOLT - I caught this one at the cheap theater not long ago. Honestly, I had completely overlooked it. My expectations were low. Well, I was pleasantly surprised! Bolt was one of Disney's more entertaining animated features in a long time. The action kept the attention of both 4 years olds and their mother. The plot is simple...girl loves dog, girl is huge TV star with dog that doesn't know it is a TV show, dog thinks girl is in trouble and ends up traveling across the US to rescue the girl. Along the way, he picks up a couple of pals...a cat and a hamster. is more complicated than that but that is the backbone of the story. I recommend this one to kids and adults alike!

INKHEART - Also saw this one at the cheap theater (it rained a lot one week). This one should have been good. Excellent cast, decent just didn't put it all together. Enough said...

MONSTERS VS ALIENS - Back to animated feature (can you see a pattern...must have something to do with Walker and Texas Ranger). If for no other reason, you should see this one for Seth Rogen's turn (well, only his voice obviously) as B.O.B. He is great. Too bad he doesn't make more movies where his humor shines and is not sprinkled liberally with curse words. The title gives this one away. There are monsters that our government has been hidding for years (picture Area 51 here) and they must bring them out when an alien decides that Earth looks like a nice place to set up shop. So, game on between the monsters and aliens for the fate of the planet. Who wins? Guess...

Well, that is the popcorn report. Hopefully I can get out to a more adult oriented movie and blog about that. Until then, have a blessed Easter and remember that Jesus didn't die on a cross so we could celebrate the easter bunny and give each other candy. Get out to your local church people and think about what the great I AM did for each of us this weekend!!