Monday, March 2, 2009

Amazing Grace...In A New Light...

Read any good books lately? What? Have I? Well, how nice of you to ask. As a matter of fact, I have. I just finished The Shack. You have probably either read this one already or heard about it. It is kinda a big thing right now. Why? Well, it is about a subject as old as time presented in a brand new light.

The Shack is a work of fiction. I want to get that out of the way first. The story is not a "you won't believe this" true story. It is actually a story thought up by a guy for his kids. He wanted to give his children a better understanding of certain aspects of God and so he wrote them a story. His story got past around a bit and before he knew it, it was a huge hit.

Why is The Shack a huge hit? The best way to describe it without giving you the plot is to say that it is like being in the most spirit-filled church service you can imagine...only it take place on the pages of a book. I laughed and cried. I worshipped like I have not in a long time. I found things about my God that I hadn't thought of and I noticed things in myself that I didn't like. To be honest, reading the book was a profound experience.

Would I recommend The Shack to you? ABSOLUTELY! Don't go in with any preconceived notions of what you are going to find. Let the truth in the book find you right where you are in your life. Maybe you will be like me, a little bitter about religion. If that is the case, you may be like me and turn the last page with a heart filled to the brim. Perhaps you think you have everything you need from the great I AM...who am I to say you don't...but maybe, just maybe you will find a new way to look at God and be better for it.

Usually I talk about movies in this blog...well, wouldn't you know it, they are trying to get this book made into a movie! See how nicely this all ties together! I would recommend that you not wait for the movie but read the book. I think it might change your relationships in ways you can't imagine.